Monday, January 17, 2011

Stir-Fried Vegetable (Chhar Bonlaer)

It's fast and easy, take only 10minutes to be done, what you need to have is:

Recipe for One-Two persons:
Vegetable: 1 medium size green/red/yellow Capsicum (in the pic it's a bit big as I could not find medium size, Cambodians like to use green capsicum than red or yellow), 1 green Zucchini, 1 Carrot, 1 Onion and 3 cloves of Garlic.
Ingredients: 3sp of oyster sauce, 1sp of soy sauce, 2sp of oil, 1/2 tsp of salt and 1/2tsp of sugar.

1. Peel and chop Garlic into small pieces, cut the Capsicum, Zucchini, Carrot and Onion as size of finger.

2. Heat up frying pan then pure oil in, when the oil is hot put chopped garlic into the oil, fry until it gives good smell then put all the sliced vegetables in. Stir it well together and cover for 5 minutes.

3. Open the cover, then put oyster sauce, soy sauce, salt and sugar in, and mix it up. Stir it for 2 minutes then taste it, if the taste not reach your favorite yet, add extra salt or sugar up to your need.

Note: It's served with steamed rice.

Language Tip: English =) Khmer
Capsicum = Mates Plouk
Carrot = Karot
Cut = Kat
Fry = Chhar
Garlic = Khtoem Sor
Oil = Preng Chhar
Onion = Khtoem Barang
Peel = Bork
Salt = Om Berl
Slice = Chit
Soy Sauce = Toek Sa Iv
Sugar = Skor Sor
Vegetable = Bonlaer
Zucchini = Nornoung Barang